Instrument the Policy
Ahmet Numan Aytemiz , 30.05.2022 - Ankara, Turkey
Lab 5.4 Instrument the Policy
The Message Box Agent is often used to debug an Access Policy. It acts to pause the policy at a specisifc point. Session variables may be inspected to determine the state of teh policy while it is paused
- Tasks: Copy wiki.ap.1 and new name will be wiki.ap.6
- Edit wiki.ap.6 like below
- Apply wiki.ap.6 to the wiki.vs virtual server
Test and Result
- Connect from browser to wiki.vs but do not logon. We will see the message telling us to click a link before continuing. Wait and do not click yet.
- On the command line enter the following command to save all of the current session variables.
mkdir /root/temp2
cd /root/temp2
sessiondump --allkeys > dump1.txt
In the browser click the link to continue
We will see the logon page. Enter credentials
We will see immediately see a second message telling us to click the link before continuing.
- On the command line enter the following command to save all of the current session variables.
sessiondump --allkeys > dump2.txt
- In the browser click link to continue. You should now see the website
- On the command line enter the following command a final time
sessiondump --allkeys > dump3.txt
Inspect Where Session Variables are Created
- On the command line execute the following commands
wc -l dump1.txt
wc -l dump2.txt
wc -l dump3.txt
We should notice the number of lines increases with each dump.
On the command line, run the follwing command to view the session variables in the first file
less dump1.txt
- Now look at the variables added at the second capture point in the policy
diff -a dump1.txt dump2.txt
- Now look at the variables added at the third capture poıint in the policy