Managing Big-IP APM Notes
Ahmet Numan Aytemiz , 29.05.2022 - Ankara, Turkey
Big-IP APM Sessions and Access Licenses
When a connection is made to a virtual server with an Access Policy , BIG-IP APM automatically assigns a session id to that connection and tracks it with a session cookie and in the session database which uses memcache.
Every Big-IP system has a specific maximum of session it can support.
Session Variables and sessiondump
The sessiondump command is a tool will help us understand Big-IP APM sessions. A session is made up potentially hundereds of session variables that describe the session. Sessiondump display these variables.
sessiondump -allkeys
command display every session variable entry in the Access Policy memcache.
sessiondump --allkeys | grep 'session\.logon\.last\.username'
command will dump all the current users on BGG-IP APM.
sessiondump --allkeys | grep 'last\.username\|user\.agent'
this command will list which user is connecting which user agent.
sessiondump --allkeys | grep 'lat\.username.* ann$'
this commadn is used to search for a specisic user.
sessiondum --sid 03b621f6 | wc -l
sessiondump --delete 03b621f6
sessiondum --sid 03b621f6 | wc -l
We can also view users with navigate to Access > Overview > Active Sessions from the Gui.