Find and Delete Active Sessions
Ahmet Numan Aytemiz , 29.05.2022 - Ankara, Turkey
Lab 5.2 Find and Delete Active Sessions
- Using two different browser (chrome and firefox) connect to wiki.vs
- Navigate to Access » Overview : Active Sessions
- Select users and Kill Selected Sessions. Then click delete.
- Open a Firefox browser to wiki.vs but do not log on , look for the session, note the session id and try to kill session.
what was the session id ?
- refresh the firefox browser again, what was the session reference number ?
Use Command Line
- Using two different browser connect the wiki.vs again, and use different logon name.
- Connect to big-ip with ssh and enter the following command
sessiondump --allkeys | grep -a last.username
- kill one or more of the active sessions using
sessiondump --delete <session-id>
orsessiondum --delete all
- Open a session to wiki.vs but do not logon , look for the session , we wont see a username (because we didnt enter a username)
sessiondump --list