Ahmet Numan Aytemiz , 24.05.2022 - Ankara, Turkey

Lab 4.2 Policy Import, Export, Copy and Delete

Export and Import and Access Policy

  • Task 1 Export wiki.ap.1 Policy

Navigate to Access » Profiles/Polices: Access Profiles (Per-Session Polices) » Export


  • Task 2 Import Policy

Navigate to Access » Profiles/Polices: Access Profiles (Per-Session Polices) » Import

New Profile Name wiki.ap.2
Config File Upload profile_Common_wiki.ap.1.conf.tar.gz
Reuse Existing Objects Enabled



  • Task 3 : Update the virtual server

Navigate to Local Traffic » Virtual Server and click wiki.vs

Access Profile wiki.ap.2


Test and Result

Connect to the virtual server and determine if the policy behaves in exactly the same way  
Did you have to Apply Access Policy Yes
Does it behaves the same way ? Yes