Docker For Beginners
- What are Containers ?
- What is Docker ?
- Why do you need it ?
- What can it do ?
- Run Docker Containers
- Create a Docker Image
- Networks in Docker
- Docker Compose
- Docker Concepts in Depth
- Docker for Windows/Mac
- Docker Swarm
- Docker vs Kubernetes
Why do we need docker ?
Classic deployment
- Compatibility/Dependency
- Long setup time
- Different Dev/Test/Prod environments
Deployment with Docker
- Containerize applications
- Run each service with its own dependencies in seperate containers
What are containers ?
- Containers are completely isolated environments.
- They can have their own
- process or services,
- network interfaces,
- mounts
- Containers working like virtual machines except they all share the same OS kernel
- There are different type of containers like LXC, LXD, LXCFS etc.
- Docker utilizes LXC containers setting up these container environments.
Docker Editions
- Community Edition
- Enterprise Edition
Docker Install on Ubuntu Server 20.04 Focal
Install docker with script
curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh
Check version of running docker
sudo docker version
Run a Sample Container to verify everythink is working as expected
sudo docker run docker/whalesay cowsay boo