Docker Images Lab
- How many images are available on this host?
sudo docker images
- What is the size of the ubuntu image?
sudo docker images
- We just pulled a new image. What is the tag on the newly pulled NGINX image?
We just downloaded the code of an application. What is the base image used in the Dockerfile? Inspect the Dockerfile in the webapp-color directory.
cd webapp-color
cat Dockerfile
To what location within the container is the application code copied to during a Docker build? Inspect the Dockerfile in the webapp-color directory.
cd webapp-color
cat Dockerfile
When a container is created using the image built with this Dockerfile, what is the command used to RUN the application inside it.
cd webapp-color
cat Dockerfile
What port is the web application run within the container?
cd webapp-color
cat Dockerfile
- Build a docker image using the Dockerfile and name it webapp-color. No tag to be specified.
cd webapp-color/
Dockerfile requirements.txt templates
sudo docker build . -t webapp-color
- Run an instance of the image webapp-color and publish port 8080 on the container to 8282 on the host.
sudo docker run -p 8282:8080 webapp-color
- Access the application by clicking on the tab named HOST:8282 above your terminal.
- What is the base Operating System used by the python:3.6 image? If required, run an instance of the image to figure it out.
sudo docker run -d python:3.6 cat /etc/*release
- What is the approximate size of the webapp-color image?
sudo docker images
That’s really BIG for a Docker Image. Docker images are supposed to be small and light weight. Let us try to trim it down.
Build a new smaller docker image by modifying the same Dockerfile and name it webapp-color and tag it lite. Find a smaller base image for python:3.6. Make sure the final image is less than 150MB.Modify Dockerfile to use python:3.6-alpine image and then build using docker build -t webapp-color:lite .
Dockerfile :
FROM python:3.6-alpine
RUN pip install flask
COPY . /opt/
ENTRYPOINT ["python", ""]
sudo docker built . -t webapp-color:lite
- Run an instance of the new image webapp-color:lite and publish port 8080 on the container to 8383 on the host.
sudo docker run -d -p 8383:8080 webapp-color:lite